Hydrovac – Oil Purifier System - 2015

PureClean SH2000-480 (480 V) 8 hours

Environmental oil purification.

For thrusters, propellers, winches, cranes and hydraulic systems

Haakon Ellingsen AS self-produced oil cleaner HydrovacTM removes unwanted water from the hydraulic oil and ensures that the oil used in the maritime market maintains its quality for a long time.

When using HydrovacTM, there will be no need to change the oil in the systems because the water is removed efficiently using our patented vacuum technology. This prevents unnecessary operational problems, increased costs and, in the worst case, mechanical breakdown.

Increased hydraulic oil life reduces the need for collection, handling and recovery of waste oil. These processes are in turn energy-intensive and directly contribute to increased unwanted emissions.

Full overhaul on the machines is done before sale.

Read more here: Hydrovac Oil Purifier System

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Fixed price

kr 92.500,00

Dissemination fee

Buyer: 5% ( min NOK 900,- ex. VAT. max NOK ,- ex. VAT.)


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